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Pack 815 Pinewood Derby & Chili Cookoff

January 22, 2022 @ 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Participating scouts should arrive in Class A uniform for the event.
Bring the whole family, Grandma & Grandpa too!

Awards for: 1st through 3rd place and Best Name, Best Design per Den. Maybe one or two others!

Awards will be presented at the Blue & Gold Banquet on
Saturday, February 26th

Timeline of Events:
12:00 pm -12:30 pm Doors open for Scout registration, Car weigh-in and inspection
12:30 pm -12:35 pm Opening Ceremony, Announcements
12:35 pm – 1:00 pm Refreshments Served
1:10 pm Race commences order: youngest to oldest
3:00 pm Closing Ceremonies

Parents are responsible for their scouts and siblings.


Preparation & Guidelines

  1. Ingredients may be pre-cooked prior to the commencement of the official cook-off. Meat may be treated, pre-cut or ground. Please print out a copy of the ingredients to display the day of the cookout. This is for safety to prevent a food allergy incident.
  2. The cooking period must occur within 24 hours of event. Chili must be kept in a crock pot or other warming container that will be placed for entry at 12:00 PM noon immediately before the Pinewood Derby begins.
  3. The contestant must prepare chili using their own selected recipe and ingredients. They must also supply all of their own serving utensils and containers for holding the chili. (Pack 815 will provide a table and electric outlet to plug in crock pots the day of the event.)
  4. Guest will receive a voting card, and will rank the submissions by 1,2 and 3.


January 22, 2022
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Londontowne Community Hall
170 Mayo Rd
Edgewater, 21037 United States
+ Google Map
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